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On the 11th of September 2001, i.e. no sooner had the third millenium begun, than every nation in the world began to reflect over its protection and to consider afresh its future political policies. ……. The misery inflicted by terrorist activity that India had been suffering through many years, boomed so powerfully into the face of the U.S.A. that it ended up scorching it completely. And the U.S.A., that had hitherto constantly turned a blind eye towards the evidence presented by India, was forced to roll up its sleeves and prepare to fight terrorism, the very terrorism that it had once nurtured and fostered.



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तीसरा सह्स्त्रक शुरु होते – होते ही अर्थात ११ सितम्बर २००१ से विश्व का हर एक राष्ट्र अपनी अपनी रक्षा एवं भविष्याकालीन राजनीतिक रवैयों का नये से पुनर्विचार करने लगा। विश्व के अधिकतर प्रमुख राष्ट्रों को आतंकवादी चेहेरे की अच्छी खासी पहचान ईससे पूर्व ही हो चुकी थी। अमरिका एवं रशिया ने तो आतंकवादी संगठनों को प्रोत्साहित कर एक दुसरे के खिलाफ़ ऊनका ईस्तेमाल भी किया था।



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The subject of this book is not merely terrorism or anti-terrorism war based on the study of events that have occurred till now; it is a reflection over the possibilities that will unravel in the times to come. There is no doubt that over the next twenty to twenty-five years, conflict will become an aspect of everyday doings and in every region on earth. This is not telling the future. This is a study, a study of history and of the present circumstances…

INDEX – And yet again because (Preface to 2nd edition) >> Only because…. >> The First World War >> Four super-powers join the War >> Defeat of Germany, Treaty of Versailles >> Misery of German economy, Hitler is born >> Hitler pledges to retrieve lost German glory >> The Era of ‘prolonged wars’ >> The decisive war now begins… >> Riotous display of arrogance and conceit of Hitler, the dictator >> ‘The Cold War’, China’s plunge in the world market >> India’s position in new global stratagem of new era >> A troublesome triad (China, Pakistan, North Korea) >> The foundation stone of the Third World War >> Al Qaeda – ‘The factory of terrorism’ >> It is “he”, who will initiate the Third World War >> Saudi Arabia >> Pakistan >> Would its military be able to maintain unity and integrity of Pakistan? >> Afghanistan >> What exactly is a world war? >> The Third World War -Point of origin >> Iran and its links with terrorist organizations >> State of affairs in the Indian sub-continent >> Bangladesh >> Sri Lanka >> Myanmar >> Nepal >> Condoleezza Rice >>  China >> Taiwan >> Latin America >> Cuba >> The African Continent >> Pakistan – Ambassador of misfortune for the world >> Insight into the terrorist era beginning 06.06.2006 (6.6.6.) >> India-A Mahabharat all over again >> The Third World War: The Likely Design >> What does Nostradamus, the ancient mystic have to say? >> Modern weaponry and its impact >> Nuclear Weapons >> Missiles >> Chemical warfare >> Biological warfare >> Naval warfare >> Desert warfare >> Space warfare >> Guerilla warfare >> Pressure tactics as technique of warfare >> Trends events and efforts that could help avoid the Third World War

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राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ 1925 साली स्थापन झाला. डॉ. केशव बळीराम हेडगेवार यांनी नव्वद वर्षांपूर्वी रोवलेल्या बीजाचे आता विशाल वटवृक्षात रूपांतर झाले आहे. या वटवृक्षाच्या शाखा किती, पाने किती याची मोजदाद करणे अवघड आहे. पण ही संघटना भारतीय जनमानसात खूप खोलवर आपली मुळे रोवून समर्थपणे उभी आहे आणि वटवृक्षाच्याच गती आणि शैलीने विकास करीत आहे. केवळ देशातच नाही, तर जिथे जिथे म्हणून भारतीय आहेत, त्या त्या देशांमध्ये संघ कार्यरत आहेच. इतकेच नाही, तर परदेशातील भारतीयांना आपल्या देशाशी, संस्कृतीशी घट्टपणे जोडून ठेवणारी राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ ही संघटना नाही, तर परंपरा बनलेली आहे.


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राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ की स्थापना सन 1925 में हुई। डॉ. केशव बळीराम हेडगेवार ने नब्बे वर्ष पहले बोये हुए बीज का रूपान्तरण अब एक विशाल वटवृक्ष में हो चुका है। इस वटवृक्ष की शाखाएँ कितनीं, पत्ते कितने इसकी गिनती करना मुश्किल है। लेकिन यह संगठन भारतीय जनमानस में बहुत ही दृढ़तापूर्वक अपनी जड़ें फ़ैलाकर समर्थ रूप में खड़ा है और वटवृक्ष की ही गति एवं शैली में विकास कर रहा है। केवल देश में ही नहीं, बल्कि जहाँ कहीं भी भारतीय हैं, उन सभी देशों में संघ कार्यरत है ही। इतना ही नहीं, बल्कि विदेशस्थित भारतीयों को अपने देश के साथ, संस्कृति के साथ दृढ़तापूर्वक जोड़कर रखनेवाला राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ यह मात्र एक संगठन नहीं, बल्कि परंपरा बन चुका है।


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૧૯૨૫ની સાલના દશેરાના શુભદિને રાષ્ટ્રીય સ્વયંસેવક સંઘ ની સ્થાપના થઈ. ડૉ. કેશવ બળીરામ હેડગેવારજીએ નેવું વર્ષ પૂર્વે જેનું બીજારોપણ કરેલું એ વટવૃક્ષની આજે કેટકેટલી શાખાઓ વિસ્તરી છે, એના જે વિધવિધ પર્ણો પલ્લવિત થયાં છે એની ગણતરી કરવી કઠિન છે. પરંતુ આજે ભારતીય જનમાનસમાં આ સંગઠનના મૂળ ઊંડે સુધી વિસ્તરેલાં છે અને એ પણ સમર્થ અને સશક્તપણે અને આજે આ સંગઠન વટવૃક્ષની ગતિ અને શૈલી પ્રમાણે વિકાસ કરી રહ્યું છે. આ સંગઠનનો પ્રસાર માત્ર ભારત પૂરતો જ મર્યાદિત નથી રહ્યો પણ પરદેશમાં સુધ્ધાં જે જે સ્થળે ભારતીય વસેલ છે ત્યાં ત્યાં એની છાયા વિસ્તરી છે. સંઘની વિદેશમાંની શાખાઓ વિદેશવાસી ભારતીયોને પોતાની માતૃભૂમિ સાથે, મૂળભૂત સંસ્કૃતિ સાથે મજબૂત રીતે સાંકળી રાખનારી એક કડીરુપ છે. રાષ્ટ્રીય સ્વયંસેવક સંઘ એક સંસ્થા માત્ર નથી, એ સ્વદેશ સાથે સંયોજન કરનારી જીવનદોર છે! પરંપરા છે!


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The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was founded in the year 1925. The seed that Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar sowed ninety years back, has now grown into a huge Banyan tree – A Vatavriksha of immense expanse and stature. So, just how many branches and how many leaves this vast Vatavriksha might have, is not in the least easy to keep count of. The fact remains all the same, that this organization stands erect – tall and competent, its roots embedded very deep in the Bharatiya mind and mindset; and is developing at the pace and on the lines of the Vatavriksha – an expansive Banyan tree indeed. Not limiting itself to this country, the Sangh is active in every such country, that the Bharatiya finds himself in. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is in fact, not merely an organization, it has become a tradition, a tradition that bonds firm, the Bharatiya living abroad, with his motherland, with his culture.


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