“The historical, geographical and political manifestation of an astounding, in fact, prodigious will exhibited by a tiny little community! That is it – Israel! Braving gruelling challenges, this nation, with its cultural legacy dating back thousands of years, kept alive and burning its national pride and its pride of religion; and even regained its land in return for tireless struggle,” writes Dr. Aniruddha D. Joshi in the foreword to ‘Israel – a journey prolonged yet successful’—a book authored by Shulamith Penkar-Nigrekar, an Indian-Israeli Jew settled in Israel. The book gives a wide view of what went into the making of Israel right from the times of Hebrew patriarch Abraham all the way up to the silver jubilee celebrations of the establishment of the India-Israel strategic partnership. The book traverses in detail through the historical times and brings the readers to the time Zionism took birth. Further, the book recounts the struggles that led to the creation of modern-day Israel and the challenges this newborn country faced right at its outset. Last but not least, the book narrates the efforts and progress made by Israel in the fields of science, technology, agriculture, water management, modern weapons, etc., which transformed them from being an underdeveloped country to a developed nation.

This great work has taken form from the dialogue between ShreeGuru Dattatreya and His disciple Shree Parshuram. It is an easy and simple account of the Aadimata Chandika’s Tridha form that is the Aadimata Gayatri, the Aadimata Mahishasurmardini and the Aadimata Anasuya. Describing this memoir, Sadguru Shree Aniruddha writes – “This is a sacred work, this is a gunasankirtan or praise of the attributes, it is the Ganges of knowledge, it is also the Bhagirathi of Bhakti (bhakti that flows from the bhakta back to the source, the Almighty) and, of course, the narrative about the Aadimata. But over and above all of this, it is the Shubhankara and the Ashubhanashini manifestation of my Aadimata; it is Her gentle motherly affection, and it is also Her grace and blessing.”